Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I was never in the Icon, Docs and Tropics were the late night venues mainly frequented. Arthur’s warehouse back in my early days of boozing.

the red rose cafe on Parnell Street shits all over Java’s as a cafe.

no horse and hound either which could easily make any top 10. An institution


The Horse and Hound is a good shout.

Dolans would surely be on a list of institutions?

Many’s a bus set out from there for Championship Sundays, stags and what not. Also, almost every debutante in Limerick and the surrounds ended up there for an early/late one after a night of revelry.

At a push, Charlie St. Georges could be on there. A noble place. The fucking icon lads. Jesus.


ah yeah. You could have 100’s of places ahead of the fucking icon for fuck sake.

The market that used to be there was a million times better than the fucking icon. It was usually about 50/50 if you’d get in, depending on Leonards mood at the door or the length of the queue. That was some spot.

Did Quinn’s pub become the lucky lamp?

Other way around. The Lucky Lamp became Quins.

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Cheers, The Henry Cecil, Termights, Feathery Burkes/Shannon Arms…heaps more

It is an early house and probably would be seen by the people who came up with this list as being a haunt for hard drinking cases .

It is a grand spot . I like early houses . Generally attract very decent people in the main .


the dog house up by fox’s bow used to be some spot for debauchery when I was around 18. They’d do pitchers of cocktails for 10 pound. Some nights would be a pound a drink, A monday night there at a pound a drink and then up to the Voodoo rooms for a pound a drink nightclub and a shift off a haunty one. Glory days

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Termights where you go to see the weird and wonderful.

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Tom Collins’ was a great pub before its gentrification


Plus, back in the 80’s and 90’s it was about the only place in town to get a decent hangover feed.

There was a place up at the SCR end of Henry Street that’d cure you with a massive fry as well. Was it something like Mike & Katy’s?

I used to go to Buddy’s on occasion .

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You could actually go out with a tenner in the mid/late 90’s Limerick and be ok (assuming you could walk home). 10 bottles of some alco-pop in Feathery Burkes and into the nightclub for free before a certain time.
I was up there one night and a few lads some Southill got in and did absolute wreck. Slashing lads with broken bottles left right and centre. Melvin Mac in the middle of it (not the rugby player). Think he is dead now.


the still house had the potential to be an all time great, when Jim Fawl had it and then Ken O’Brien took it over (maybe he still has it but shifted demographic)

I was in there recently on a Saturday afternoon and it was full of skobes in replica Liverpool jerseys. They were actually singing songs in English accents and abusing other fans of other clubs in English accents. It saddened me

You have me on the brekkie on SCR

The Red Rose Cafe was great for an early feed

Melvin stabbed my best friend one night, I wasn’t around. Then he went up to the house and stabbed his father. I hope he’s dead the cunt

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I’ve vague memories of being up the SCR in the early days of my courtship of Mrs. Kremmen. She was a Laurel Hill Coláiste girl so I was fairly punching above my weight for a Sexton St. gurrier.