Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Ah here you’re not serious?

That’s utterly bizarre behaviour

His last three avatars for the last three years have all been personal photos I’ve posted here, now I understand they’re no longer private but still and all…

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Given what’s gone on here in the past, are you surprised?

Most of the lads here are sound and have a bit of cop on. Some lads though take the INTERNET way too seriously/ are absolute weirdos.

Fucking hell.

Ask @chocolatemice how sound everyone here is. Have a few of your posts here sent to the national media and tell me how sound the place is.


As I said, most are sound. But there are some crazies too.

Prosecution rests your honour

Thank God prime time never ran with any of mine as headline news

Claire’s been distracted but give it time

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I actually saw a twitter account the other day that I would be fairly sure is him. The content of the tweet seemed very familiar. He seems to be one of those Gemma O’Doherty types.

Same happened for me last week. Got an email with a list of everyone who had been conferred at some committee meeting.

Then a follow up email to confirm my address as my bit of paper will be sent out in the post this week apparently.

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Congrats by the way chief :man_student:

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I’d say he believes in a type of NWO but instead of Soros and the Jews pulling the strings it’s McManus and the Limerick county board

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Was that when they set up the auld “American circus” a few years back?

Options for the M20

Option 1. Moyorway the whole way. Bypassing towns in option 2 will cut journey times but won’t remove the death traps in betwern

Looks like one of the Options cuts through our Farm here. Hope to God, it’s not the chosen path.

Sleepy Eamon will try and push through a rail solution

Keep the Cark cunts to one lane coming into Limerick.

There’s no need for a motorway. It would also go against our Paris targets - capital expenditure should be put elsewhere

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