Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

We’ve discussed this recently. @Massey seems well versed in how it operates.

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I know we have. This is the latest.

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More new Limerick rap

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What does yurt mean? Is it a Limerick thing?

So many questions.

A yurt is a traditional round tent used by the nomadic herdsmen in Mongolia. It goes back thousands of years. It’s a Mongolian thing not a Limerick thing.

This is the Limerick thread kid.

And so few answers.

Yup our that

The Mongols only picked it up when they were camping in Monaleen back in the dizzay.

An American view. “The Call oppies” “Smokey Elvis Costello” :laughing:

The rap capital of Ireland :clap: Limerick should have a rap quarter.

More from the Call oppies. Wouldn’t fancy buying a car from him .

Thought this had been going on for a while. A family member is caught up on this. She has to have a very minor procedure but requires a general anaesthetic. Absolutely ridiculous shitshow out there.

This must be what @Tim_Riggins does in his spare time.

Do me a favour and stop using my pictures as your avatar, it’s incredibly petty behaviour for a grown man


I’d say a lot of students haven’t a fucking clue when they’re ‘graduating’ these days. They just get their degree in the post, or have to log onto a Zoom or something.

But… college correspondence usually goes directly to your home address that’s registered first day, so is there potential for TNH?

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The misogyny crew are up early today.

What a psycho :smiley: