Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Christy Murphy’s house. He downsized, no longer there

Plans for a new Supermacs Plaza (located out by the Tunnel) to be submitted this week.

Mr McDonagh was speaking as his Supermac’s group announced plans for another plaza-style service station.

The proposed €10 million development, adjacent to the Galway-Limerick motorway and the Limerick tunnel, would be similar to existing facilities such as the Barack Obama Plaza in Co Tipperary,

Planning application

The plan is to have a service station and food court – with Supermac’s, Papa John’s Pizza and Bewley’s Coffee brands – plus 12 charging points for electric vehicles.

Mr McDonagh said the Barack Obama Plaza gets an annual throughput of customers of about 600,000 and the aim was to achieve half or two-thirds of that in Limerick.

The company is due to submit a planning application to Limerick City Council in the coming days.

Everything you know.

Informative rating.

Hopefully us locals won’t have to pay a toll to get a SuperMacs.

Fucking finally. 6 years to complete :see_no_evil: I presume there will be parts of it ready long before then


Is this the rugby museum?

No. It’s the Colossus of Feohanagh. A 100ft tall statue of Sham Flan. €50m of the cost will be for the hair alone.


Outstanding :rofl:


A second shot of the lake


Absolute piss

They’re very good

Well that was entirely predictable.

You’d wonder about people.

You’ d wonder about someone getting up and going to the trouble of filming it.


Limerick people are obsessed with pound shops.

It probably doesn’t dawn on the WFH middle class types that there are people who can’t afford to shop online and Penny’s is actually vital to them


Could they not wait another two hours?