Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Would have been grand if had only the emergency lights been left flashing.

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Like jumping back in time reading that… Hard to believe that world still exists. A good pal of mine was invited out to an elderly lady’s house in Clare a few years back to do an oral history piece. Took a few visits to complete and he became ‘acquainted’ with the good lady. From protestant old money … insisted he came to the next party she was holding - mainly older folks but servants and old style big table style dinner party. He’s been to a 3/4 of these over the last few years… not sure what they make of the lower class ‘boy’ being invited in but he said it was mind blowing… talk of lady this, and sir that… Land, hunting , horse riding etc. etc. Like a forgotten world.

She’s in her 90s now and her husband served with Thatcher’s husband at the tail end if ww2… I’ve disclosed before but Maggie flew into Shannon a few times during the 80s and only the top boys in Irish security forces knew about it.


FFS sake. :laughing: Maybe he’s just popped into Gleeson’s for a rowl.

The boys must love to be invited in for the scraps from the lords table. Its in some folks blood I guess. And blood is hard to deny.

Most of the lads here that came from a bit of land were squired from me’lord back in the day shur… The poor girl’s family given a few acres and a few sows and told be on their way.

The rest of us landed gentry rose up and took it by force.

but shur look it, we dont like to go about it.


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Plenty of them left. Down our way, Lord Waterford with his lovely estate in Curraghmore, where they host All Together Now. The Duke of Devonshire still has Lismore Castle. Some of them were very skilled at holding on to their wealth. Others obviously less good.


I don’t know why anyone would refer to these people by their nonsense titles.


Or popped in somewhere along there for a rowl around and a fumble

Sorry Henry de la Poer Beresford and Peregrine Cavendish.


And Sir Henry DeBromhead

and you.

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Few of Lord Harrington’s sons are still around crecora and are very sound. Don’t think they use the titles.

The county hounds wouldn’t be particularly well got outside of that supposed upper class clique?

I wouldn’t know much about it but I can’t stand the Hunt. Think the counties are very post and mainly protestant. I met two of them in a different walk of life and were extremely sound.

That’s abandoned not parked

It was a pain changing the bank cards,” says Lord Waterford, 9th Marquis of Waterford. He’s telling me about becoming Lord Waterford back in February.

“You changed your cards?”

“Well I had to, I was the Earl of Tyrone before,” he says. “So it said ‘Henry Tyrone’ on my credit card.”

“Not ‘the Earl of Tyrone?’”

“You don’t fit into the boxes when you have a title.”

“What does it say now? “

“‘Henry Waterford’. I’ll tell you, when I went into the bank manager he was fairly confused. He said normally you have to go through all these [processes]. They’re worried about people money-laundering, you see, but he said ‘I think this is a different situation’.”



first world problems