Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

They should have broken every bone in his body… Is he known around?

Your account is private…

That’s beyond sick if he was abusing his own baby and sharing it with other peados.

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Fucker deserved. Hopefully he’ll live to rot in jail

Why you keep posting stuff and deleting it straight away? :smiley:

He thinks this is snapchat.

Trying to upload the video but it keeps freezing.

Can’t make out much there.

They should have fucked him over the bridge into the Shannon


Exactly, save the taxpayers a few bob rather than having to house and feed this fucker for the next 20 years


Yeah. Horrible cunts.

are these pictures in the public domain? who’s publishing these?


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Ones doing the rounds around Limerick WhatsApp’s,

Another picture of who yer man was last night.
I’m not gonna post it though, in case it’s not actually him. Initials are JS

I couldn’t give a fuck who it is.

What kind of a prick takes pictures of a house like that and sends them around whatsapp

JS isn’t right I don’t think if talking about fella who got the hiding

Fair enough yeah. Well this lad is getting sent around in association with it. Poor bastard :grimacing:

What kind of prick raises kids in a house like that and, with druggie pals, sets it on fire?

Pictures circulating hardly the worst crime in all this