Memorable Performances

I was told over the weekend that his rejuvenation has been labelled the “McConaissance” in Hollywood circles, pal. Hopefully a lot of those people will die horribly but, for now, you can tell your good lady that you were right and she was wrong.

Dead wrong.

I was against black cards but, now that they’ve been implemented, Feeney was beyond stupid for bodychecking yer man. He helpfully provided a practical demonstration of why black cards were brought in. Sure there’s plenty of chat on twitter along the lines of “it’s ridiculous to be sent off after 5 minutes in an All Ireland Final for that”. That’s not the point now the rule is in place and given he was fully aware of it.

Lame enough to be honest.

I was at the match yesterday.

Connolly was utterly immense.

I didn’t see the Feeney incident properly but it struck me as an attempt by the referee to set down a marker early on.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 918251, member: 24”]I was at the match yesterday.

Connolly was utterly immense.

I didn’t see the Feeney incident properly but it struck me as an attempt by the referee to set down a marker early on.[/QUOTE]
He turned his shoulder into the mans chest and blocked his run. It was good refereeing and quite brave to boot.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 918251, member: 24”]I was at the match yesterday.

Connolly was utterly immense.

I didn’t see the Feeney incident properly but it struck me as an attempt by the referee to set down a marker early on.[/QUOTE]

I’ve said it before but how Connolly has never got an all star is an utter disgrace…to me he was Dublin’s most consistent forward last year… in 2011 him coming out to half forward in last 15 minutes changed the game too… not just a great talent but a great player…

That’s true but I think he had way more negative stuff in 2011 to count against him. Last year he was consistently excellent.

He was the de facto FOTY last year. As Rocko said though, all the other shite will naturally, rightly or wrongly, count against him. Given his inauspicious Intercounty start, he’s turned into some footballer. Always had the talent mind, just the rest tended to let him down. He seems to be working for a Warrior Ireland now is he?

There were a few Castlebar cunts behind me who started shouting ‘burst that Connolly cunt’ as the match apporached the end. I turned around and asked them if that was the only answer they had to stop him when he had destroyed their team for the entire match. They mumbled something about him but they clearly didn’t want to get into an argument.

I can’t warm to Mayo at all.

yeah he’s the account manager in Ireland I think… rotten looking boots…he’s got involved in some stupid stuff both on and off the field over the years and needs to learn to take a slap but when he’s in the groove like yesterday he’s a joy to watch…

Joe Canning V Cork 2008

One of our worst days as a team but Canning was outstanding that day.

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 918266, member: 24”]There were a few Castlebar cunts behind me who started shouting ‘burst that Connolly cunt’ as the match apporached the end. I turned around and asked them if that was the only answer they had to stop him when he had destroyed their team for the entire match. They mumbled something about him but they clearly didn’t want to get into an argument.

I can’t warm to Mayo at all.[/QUOTE]
I used to be fairly indifferent to Mayo until Enda Kenny came along. The time he won the battle for leadership in his party and fought off the revolt and then was paraded through Castlebar like a gombeen - ever since then I’ve hated anything and everything from Mayo.

On the face of it Enda shouldn’t be the most hateful prick in Ireland. But he is. I think he has no understanding of how ridiculously stupid he sounds. He is Taoiseach because of the large percentage of village idiots who are entitled to vote unfortunately. I really think general elections should be confined to Dublin and Fingal only.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 918272, member: 1”]I used to be fairly indifferent to Mayo until Enda Kenny came along. The time he won the battle for leadership in his party and fought off the revolt and then was paraded through Castlebar like a gombeen - ever since then I’ve hated anything and everything from Mayo.

On the face of it Enda shouldn’t be the most hateful prick in Ireland. But he is. I think he has no understanding of how ridiculously stupid he sounds. He is Taoiseach because of the large percentage of village idiots who are entitled to vote unfortunately. I really think general elections should be confined to Dublin and Fingal only.[/QUOTE]

Fuck Mayo.

My inlaws from North Galway would be have danced a half set yesterday after each of Connollys goals.

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 918272, member: 1”]I used to be fairly indifferent to Mayo until Enda Kenny came along. The time he won the battle for leadership in his party and fought off the revolt and then was paraded through Castlebar like a gombeen - ever since then I’ve hated anything and everything from Mayo.

On the face of it Enda shouldn’t be the most hateful prick in Ireland. But he is. I think he has no understanding of how ridiculously stupid he sounds. He is Taoiseach because of the large percentage of village idiots who are entitled to vote unfortunately. I really think general elections should be confined to Dublin and Fingal only.[/QUOTE]
Who do you think should be Taoiseach out of interest, pal.

I’ve always despised Mayo. Every year my stance gets vindicated even more. I broadly agree with @Rocko 's above post.

He was rather poor against Cork in the quarter-final.

Yeah - good idea.

Charlie Haughey
Liam Lawlor
Ray Burke
Bertie Ahern
Ivor Callely

like almost ending up in prison?

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 918218, member: 180”]You’re right, you have no leg to stand on, do your usual and try extricate yourself from the shite you’re in as quickly as possible.

Who was on the mic yesterday for it? Connolly had all the time in the world yesterday, through design or circumstance and he hardly put a foot wrong. It was almost unbelievable.[/QUOTE]

i never caught the guys name, it wasnt Adrian Eames, Brian Carthy or Roddy Forsyth anyway, Dessie Dolan was doing analysis but he is a renowned simpleton, his fawning of the Mayo underdog was disgusting, christ some people have a horrible inferiority complex.
The interview with Liam O"Neill who “had to be taken away from his cup of tea” at HT was classic radio,

you really need Brian Carthy for these occasions, its a bit like not having Barry Davies introduce Abide with Me before the cup final, thoughts @Sidney ?

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 918300, member: 24”]Yeah - good idea.

Charlie Haughey
Liam Lawlor
Ray Burke
Bertie Ahern
Ivor Callely[/QUOTE]
I haven’t fully fleshed out the idea yet.

But even in that post you’ve named another man from Castlebar.

It’s also hard to estimate how much of an influence immigrant rural folk have on city elections. I have no doubt that Dublin and Fingal don’t always elect flawless politicians. But there’s a bit less of the backslapping giddy yokelry about the whole affair.