Memories of the Celtic Tiger

Cocaine is Gods way of telling you you have too much disposable income.

When every second young lad can afford to be doing coke we’re in a boom alright.


Will the property market go bust though? There is still a chronic shortage of housing which was not the case at the last crash.

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I want a new crash so I can buy a house at a fire sale price!

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Not to the same extent maybe because banks reins are tighter…but lot of people mortgaged up to hilt still and prices are ridiculous … Cost of living crash more so than debt based maybe… Rental market is bananas


Once AI replaces all the jobs any lad not owning an income producing asset or a handyman. will be destitute

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Anyone who doesn’t own an acre of land to produce their own food will die of starvation


Public sector and semi state employees will have the last laugh

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Who’ll pay the tax they need to be paid?

I never fail to chuckle whenever you mention this point.


Let the AI Robots pay the robot tax


Money doesn’t even exist anymore really. At least previously the physical coin or note seemed like something tangible. Now what is money?

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We shall rent out rooms to students in the large houses we will buy from you and our revenge will be the laughter of our children!

If they wanted they could add a zero to everyone’s bank balance

Exactly…and a zero to the end of house prices at the same time…foolproof

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What’ll lads study when AI does the lot?

The sentient AI drones will probably be studying for their Chartered AI exams and will need cupboards and things to charge in. We could probably put up about 50 of them. Just about keeping the train on the track then.

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Electric sex robots are where the money is now.

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I’d put that to the back with a separate entrance.