Memories of the Celtic Tiger

I look forward to the day the AI fellas send forward a representative to negotiate with the Civil Service trade unions. Thats a whole different language model.


I have to put my hand up here and admit i got a chopper from the racecourse once during the heady days. It was the day Ballyholland won the plate (2009?) and i had it backed north of 20/1.

Myself and two mates full to the gills walked out and saw an almighty queue for the buses. No bother says we, and toddled off over to the choppers.

How much to the radisson for the three of us says i. €200 a head came the reply (probably chancing his arm).

Sound said the boyos and handed over the 600 notes.

The gas thing was one of my mates was terrified of flying and he might as well have paid someone €200 to kick him in the nuts, as he’d have gotten the same enjoyment out of it.

Off we zoom anyway laughing at the peasants still queueing for the busses. After about thirty seconds in the air the pilot decides to tell us the closest place to the city centre he has clearance to land is Salthill.

The flight lasts about 3 minutes and we get dropped of in Salthill and spend about an hour trying to get a taxi back into town.

By the time we arrive in the Radisson all the bus queues have long gone and the “peasants” are in situ well before us big men.

Heady days indeed…


That’s what the sex robot said

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The Radisson during race week :face_vomiting: I’d rather be kicked in the head repeatedly.

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I’ve heard anecdotally of professional couples with kids living in 4-5 bed semi-detached SoCoDub residences having to rent out a room or rooms to make ends meet due to exorbitant house price & knock on impact on mortgage. Some tech bro from Google eating his cheerios at the breakfast table alongside the couple’s 2, 4 & 7 year olds. This is our national crisis.


Wouldn’t surprise me at all…I know a couple, one of whom is a partner in big 5 accountancy firm and the other with a six figure job living in a 3 bed semi they bought with two kids and now have four…all between crèche and private school and can’t afford to trade up to larger house because prices so nuts and would struggle to get into new schools etc etc…some vicious cycle…prob 300k a year coming into the house with none of the rewards!


You’ve lived :clap::clap::clap::clap::joy:


Wait until Sinn Fein get a hold of them.


Any single fella not getting his hole in the Radisson on race week needs his head and flute examined.


Yep, your example is the same general theme. I also know of a couple of families, again dual income households, providing accommodation for international students. Not because they want to but because they’ve concluded the fee received less the cost of giving them breakfast & an evening meal is worth it to contribute to mortgage repayments. More comfortable with opening their house up to a youngster in education rather than some random adult.

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A fella passed me yesterday in Dunmore in a 221 (pronounced chew chew wan) T Bentley with a big look at me head on him. I thought to myself you big fucking gobshite. I saw plenty of these type of cunts during the Celtic Tiger giving it the big I am and then pissing and moaning when the banks came looking for their money back.


Sort of unrelated but I saw, in the window of auctioneers in Limerick, city center office space for rent for €750 per month. Surely there’s some enterprising individuals who have setup front companies and are secretly living in office space for a fraction of the cost of a tiny apartment?

Are you by any chance originally from a ten minute drive from Ballybrit racecourse? :thinking:


A T Reg on a Bentley is like putting lipstick on a pig.


That is fucking horrific

Some people are also just hungry cunts who’d do anything for a pound. Probably saw a handy grand a month for themselves and yer man living in an attic.

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Negative, I’m a Connie originally.

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You kept that fierce quiet! That’s two of us on here now.


Connemara 4 is it?

2 Connies… ye’ll take watching.