Memories of the Celtic Tiger

Probably doesn’t even carry the auld scian on a night out.


Your grandkids may be paying off a million euro mortgage at 4k a month.

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My mother hails from Murvey


That doesn’t sound like a compliment

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Probably should be parked here.

Would that be expensive for a corporate gig, drinks, 4 course meal and guest speakers for 250 quid a head?

Doe sit included a ticket or else the right to buy a ticket?

Clare going 250 breakfast and 300 lunch with a ticket included

They should be mad put the proceeds towards the stadium debt

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Id say it would tbh, but I’d defer to others on that. Table of 10 id imagine. 300 a head. Throw in drinks and a hotel room and you’re up at a grand for the night handy.

Doesn’t make any mention of it though I only read a paragraph

Bejaysus, always knew you had to be from good stock for a Dub :grinning:


250 for a bowl of porridge and a ticket, is tout level gouging imho.

If it’s the only way to get a ticket…
The dubs used to do the same iirc

Are Croke Park looking to put a stop to supporters clubs/corporate fundraisers?

That’s just touting by any other name.

I know nothing at all of these things, but isn’t this something a company will pay for and give to clients or staff?
I wouldn’t have thought that figure was outrageous, what would you pay for a nice 4 course meal these days

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I wouldn’t pay 300 for one anyway personally. Doubt there’s drinks included, the food will be wholly unremarkable mass kitchen stuff by necessity.
Full forwards might get a couple of bottles of asti spumanti and a petrol station red.

I’ve great memories of summers there. Sunburns, haystacks, sciortans, tae you could trout a mouse on, the Atlantic, trips to Roundstone were a big treat and Clifden a bigger one. You’d get excited hearing a car come over the hill and wonder was it a visitor.


A drinks reception mentioned,
I’ve never been to anything like that, but as I’ve said, it’s obviously expensive but not for the ones who are paying

I’m nearly sure the Dubs were doing similar for 1k head back in 16/17,sure a good night out in Limerick withdinner etc would set you back 300 euro