Memories of the Celtic Tiger

300 wouldn’t go far in temple bar I suppose.

How would you get through 300 a head on a night out in Limerick? (Drugs and hookers not included)


About right I’d say…fellas be moaning abouy the stadium not being paid for at the same time

For the cork one - if you buy a table of ten you get two match tickets

Dinner hape of pints taxi chicken hut you won’t have much left.At least you’re getting a ticket for the AI with the dinner here

No you’re not I don’t think.
For 309 in Limerick, the dinner would be somewhere excellent like the pery square hotel, and 10 pints may saet you back, what, 50-60 quid?
That’s 200, and you’d be ready for casualty.

No mention of the bog you fancy dan.


Murvey, as wild and rugged as the name suggests, Errisbeg Hill looking down on top of it. There were a few wild and rugged fellas back there too but mostly great people, I went to school with plenty of them in Roundstone as a gásúr. There was a French man back there who built two round houses and thatched them, People used to go back especially to see them. There was a band of monks back there who were allowed have partners and children. You’d see them at mass in Roundstone every Sunday morning, long blue robes and clogs on them, sitting up the front rows.

Roundstone was a great place that time (early 80’s), there was a load of pubs, most of them doing a good trade, The Hilltop (Joe Kane’s), Vaughan’s, The Shamrock, Connolly’s, Ryan’s, King’s, and of course O’Dowds for the yuppies. After mass the aul lad might nip across to King’s for a swift pint while the mother went into Wood’s or Ferrons’ to pick up a bit of meat and a block of ice cream for the dinner (long before the the likes of Aldi & Lidl came to Clifden). There was still plenty fishing going on and a big artic used to arrive over from France every week to bring back freshly caught Lobster. I remember The Seals Rock Hotel still being open, I heard some rumour a while back that Pateen McDonagh was looking to buy it - As much as I hate the cunt, it’d be great for the town.


That’s not expensive. Par for the course on the Supporter Club circuit. The Supporters Club are probably clearing €2000 a table. The fella paying for the table is paying less than €1500 after tax. Plus as mentioned above he is getting two match tickets. Kerry are the masters of this kind of thing and would roll out many of these things throughout the year and often in New York where they’d make multiples of what Cork will make off this one. Cork are behind the curve because Frankeen thought this kind of commercial activity was beneath them. Limerick of course don’t have to abase themselves with this kind of stuff because they have a billionaire backer.


Limerick have a fundraiser in New York every year. I randomly bumped into a few of them in New York last December.

Couldn’t get over the amount of supporters at it.

I thought Bentley had a real anti ( T ) Reg policy tbh.


Limerick have had plenty of these, in Limerick, Dublin and New York. I think last years one in Limerick one was 2k per table.

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If “you’d easily get through 300 notes in a night in Limerick on the dinner, pints and a chicken hut” isn’t tiger sindo Christmas party edition time, I don’t know what is.

You need €200,000 down. Current best mortgage rate is 3.6%. 25 years is bang on €4k a month. €4.5k if going for a 20 year.

What’s the best 20 year fix?

Avant seem to have 3.8% according to Bonkers.

That’s mental cheap money. May be a significant deposit needed?

Was it black? Nearly sure I passed him on the way to the m9 by Grannagh from Waterford City this morning. He had a Louis Vuitton suit hung up in the back according to my missus.