Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Funeral is today up the road from here. Serious Garda presence around.

Was he married to bobby sands sister?

He was

Seems odd to me he was such a cunt but sands was a hero


Have you never heard of a sound personā€™s sister marrying a cunt?

Depends whoā€™s writing the narrative. Bobby was a revolutionary in the true senseā€¦ Michael was a scumbag in the true sense. McKevitt thought he was carrying on Irish republicanism in its truest formā€¦ But the justification for the old IRA was the majority vote and 1919 Dail. The majority vote for peace should have been enough for it to come full circle. Some lads couldnā€™t let go and thought it was a sell outā€¦ You can argue all you want about the tans and guards having blood on their hands, which they doā€¦ But planting that bomb in a public place regardless of intentions not to kill was the actions of a terrorist ā€¦ Targeting military is one thing. Endangering women and children is another.


What McKevitt did was nothing the Provos or Old IRA had not. They also committed acts that cost innocent men, women and children in harmā€™s way and cost them their lives.

He was a true republican to the end. He was hung out to dry for Omagh.

Was he any worse than Adams or Collins?

Unfortunately he wasnā€™t.

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Should Michael Collins have the sectarian killings of Protestants attributed to him or are your morals made of jelly?

The role of Gardai and British intelligence in Omagh. Agents of the state allowing a terrorist attack to go ahead with absolute knowledge is as sickening as it gets.

as a famous man once said, ā€œone mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighterā€

I donā€™t think targeting civilians can ever be justifiedā€¦ Collins and Adams could at least argue they represented the will of the people and were a legitimate Army for their people. I donā€™t think that logic stands up post GFA. And if he wanted to continue, why not target colonial police or military personnel? Targeting a busy town centre on a Saturdayā€¦ Thatā€™s not what republicanism is about. You can stuff your United Ireland if thatā€™s what itā€™s about.


Exactly this

So he was a terrorist?

Like the Rising?

Bloody Friday?

Some amount of mental gymnastics there.

As were the Old IRA and the Provos if we are being consistent.

The Old IRA had the mandate from the 1918 General Election


Having a mandate makes endangering and killing civilians ok so?

Itā€™s better than having no mandate