Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Either killing or endangering civilians life is acceptable or unacceptable.

Right is right no matter how many people are against it and wrong is wrong no matter how many people are for it.

No such thing as the 'old 'IRA

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He was a mass murdering lying coward. @Thomas_Brady is the most sensible and accurate poster on the north, and, as usual both speaks for me, and puts it better than I could.
If the Omagh bomb is republicanism, I want no part of it.
If you think 1916 is the same as the Omagh bomb, I can only shrug


By your logic Collins was too and those heroes of the Easter Rising.

260 civilians killed at the rising. Heroes eh?

And no condemnation of how agents of state, fully informed of an imminent terrorist attack sat back and allowed it happen.

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No difference in any IRA only time, and relations trying to make out that their dad’s, grandads, great grandfather’s fought in a clean war, that was always popular among the majority etc etc

The sick and twisted rationale of the likes of @flattythehurdler and @Thomas_Brady here is for the birds.

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy makes a big thing about justifying IRA acts as it was a time of war, which is a fair enough viewpoint. I’m not sure how this reconciles with a bombing carried out after the Good Friday Agreement

Mandela, another bloody thirsty psycho killer here by @flattythehurdler and @Thomas_Brady logic.

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You can’t deny you past, or your countries past, partial freedom wasn’t won across a table but by guys n girls planning murder, extortion, kidnap, etc etc, those things had to be done where ever folk yearned for freedom and equality

The Omagh bombing took place after the Good Friday Agreement was signed. If a republican splinter group carried out an attack tomorrow would you defend it?

Think you should read your own statelet’s history. One of the main parties eulogising Dick Mulcahy a few weeks back.

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And the Irish Civil War took place after the Anglo-Irish treaty was signed.

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It was a war, a terrible one but a war all the same. There was no war in August 1998

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I met and knew Micky from years ago, he wasn’t any different to Adams, etc, neither was Liam Campbell, I’m not saying Omagh was right, no way, but neither was the Shankill bombing, or anytime any civilian got maimed etc, these atrocities happen and indeed will continue to unless the 2 governments get a grip

He was a man who shredded children. Blew their limbs and heads off, and shrugged, meh, and kept going.


Yes and was a bloody affair as anyone with relatives in Kerry or Cork can attest to

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You’re missing the point, they all did one way or another, he was a hero along the way until Omagh, ask anyone in SA during the troubles

Why was there a war in 1922? Oh that’s right, one party didn’t accept the treaty. Pardon me for drawing such ludicrous parallels.

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Doubt he shrugged and walked away, each war has consquences for all

And Collins, did he tickle people with a feather duster?

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