Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Did he fuck, and his soldiers tortured and maimed and killed honest republicans, he got his just deserts

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@flattythehurdler should address his own stateā€™s history here and the roll of state intelligence in Omagh.

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Yes and in many other atrocities, brits let and organised many killings, Inc miami

Like brendan Smyth was a great priest til he raped all those children?

If a republican group set a bomb in Omagh tomorrow killing 40 people, would ye have the same opinion? @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy @Corksfinedtboy

Omagh also had high level Gardai involvement

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Cop on, all killing was wrong, but it happened, there was no wrong or right, but to ppl in the middle of it at the time reacted, no person in their right mind condones murder, past is past, Inc civil war, no one has to forget, just forgive otherwise we canā€™t move on, majority of those in the conflict were normal ppl carrying out abnormal deeds, in an abnormal society

Thereā€™s no one saying these things donā€™t happenā€¦ The first casualties of any conflict are nearly always civilians. Lads pointing to history to justify later actions is absurd. We supposedly learn from history. 95% of the population of Ireland had said they had learned the lessons of history and voted for the GFA. That was the day political violence endedā€¦ At some point all conflicts have to reach an end point or a point where tensions might remain but the loss of life is no longer justifiable or wanted. The conflict in the north reached that point and anything after that point was no longer a conflict, it was murder.


Billy Wright was allowed to be whacked, Dublin and Monaghan was organisd by the brit state, shoot to kill, etc etc


You are deflecting now.

The civil war and Omagh took place immediately after a treaty/agreement had been signed off on. Innocents lost their life, youā€™re saying some innocents losing their lives because a party rejected a treaty they saw as a betrayal to what they fought for was justified while innocents losing their lives because one party rejected a treaty which one party saw as a betrayal of what they fought for was abhorrent.

That is some level of selective morals so forgive me for dismissing your sanctimonious gibberish.

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Certainly not worse than Collins for me who was a remorseless sectarian killer who turned British artillery on his own.

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The involvement of a high level Garda? Possible
High level Garda involvement? I Donā€™t Believe You.

Things have to get really bad to make ppl cop on and agree to work together, this happened, and long may everyone work to and for peace, but remember it was the gunmen who got us here

Itā€™s not the same at all. The anti treaty side had considerable support after the treaty was signed. The Good Friday agreement was supported by all of the republican parties in the North and by 94% of people in the south

You donā€™t believe me?

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He can throw out Mandela, Collins, Adams etc. etc. all he wantsā€¦ their grievances begin with the same thing, denial of political power/expression. Mckevitt wasnā€™t being denied it post 1998, he was being handed it. It may not have been the situation he wanted but he was given a vehicle to drive the change he wanted.

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The IRA( not anti treaty)ppl were treated like shite after the treaty, those who didnā€™t die were jailed, kept out of
And meaningful jobs, lots left the country, most were denied for years pensions ( war)
Various free state governments acted horribly, even Tomas Macurtains son was harried and harrased all his life

No I donā€™t.
Thatā€™s just innuendo and rumour.
I do not believe that the gardai allowed Omagh to proceed as planned.

The anti treaty side went out and started a civil warā€¦ what did you think would happen them, be given a holiday?