Michael McKevitt - No Justice No Surprise

Gardai were in contact with brit intelligence about an bombing upcoming bombing in the area, but not specifically Omagh whether they allowed it to happen or not I don’t know

So considerable support makes the murder of innocents justifiable. Great to know, must put loads of Nazis off the hook so.

Are you actually reading some of the gibberish you’re posting?

Clearly the GFA was not supported all republican parties. SF had splintered a good few years before it.

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It’s fact you fucking lunatic. It’s not disputed Gardai had full knowledge of the attack.

You are actually denying cold hard facts not as innuendo and rumour.

You clearly haven’t the first idea of the findings into Omagh. State intelligence on both sides of the border had full knowledge of the attack but did nothing? Do you think state intelligence is utterly incompetent?

Do people not find it strange nobody was ever convicted for Omagh when the RIRA was riddled with informants and state intelligence had full knowledge of the attack going ahead, down to the car used, location? They had listening devices in the car FFS.

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It was actually continuity planted it

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The Omagh bomb had a very profound effect on me. Shattered my world view. Maybe it was covered more in-depthly than other bombings but the slaughter was transported to our living rooms in such a way it felt like the bomb went off in my own neighbourhood. Nothing mattered anymore after it… Green, Orange, Irish , Unionists or tan… It didn’t matter. None of it mattered when a pregnant woman was blown to bits. When young kids were blown to bits. When ordinary people with their lives ahead of them were blown to bits.
Arguing about who knew what is fair enough but the bomb can never, ever be justified. It was arguably the darkest day on this Island… Tho Ballymurphy is right up there for me also.

We can never let it happen again @Bandage


You speak like this was something new. It’s just history repeating itself.

Me too. But so did McGurks -fifteen Catholic civilians—including two children and including a mother & 14 yr old daughter. So did Dublin & Monaghan - 33 civilians and a full-term unborn child,

Common themes, collusion & cover up by state forces and of course innocents slaughtered.

There’s no point saying ah but that was done then and times were different. The truth is when the state is taken on with force of arms innocent people will almost certainly be the majority of the victims.


Was the Omagh bomb the end of any sort of Hopes for a united ireland?

Not at all. The opposite in a way… It killed violence as an answer and sped up politics. Violence was never going to work… the other way has a better shot.

Today is the 45th anniversary of the Kingsmill Massacre, 10 innocent men left dead on a country road. I know the siblings of a couple of the victims, remarkably dignified people who have been really poorly treated by the state. Alan Black got one of them honours the Queen hands out as well last week.

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There was an individual linked to both Kingsmill and the Omagh bombing.

Another terrible deed. However I always find it strange how much publicity Kingsmills gets while the events of the night before are ignored.


A police force did not exist in the 6 counties for Catholics. The IRA became the police. The reason for that was rife sectarianism practiced by the Northern Ireland State and by extension the UK.

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I imagine one of the reasons is that there were rumours about the victims and whether they were really IRA men. Paisley’s speech at Westminster showed that rumour lived on for a very long time and was still getting repeated by others.

No they didn’t. Don’t tell lies.

One of the most tragic aspects of that was that the Protestant lads that were killed thought it was a bogus checkpoint to ambush the Catholic lad and tried to protect him.

Decent working men with no reference to religious differences. They represented what was right in Ireland and 10 of them were blown away solely due to their religion.


Like the rumours that McGurk’s was an “own goal”. Any killing of Catholics was labelled as a killing of a republicans. Bombing of pubs\churches own goals. these rumours promoted and propagated by RUC\Brit Army\Unionist politicians.

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Denial of participation in the official state and all that involves nearly always leads to conflict when political/peaceful ways fail. Once the aggrieved are given the means to participate, grievances, especially violence, begin to cease. That’s what makes the Omagh bomb very different to many of the instances mentioned… A means of power and participation had been secured. Omagh was carried out by fanatics… there’s no rationalising with fanstics.

Is this not what Collins said about the Treaty? Not 32 counties but the means to achieve it