Midlife Crisis

I think the piano would be more rewarding unless you’re planning on moving the family somewhere.

What’s the point in learning the piano unless he pkans to support his family by becoming a professional piano player?

Ok, I didn’t mean anything personal by it horsey mate. I hope the Portuguese classes are coming along well.

I’ll accept that as a retreat from your bizarre stance and I’ll carry my victory with my customary grace.


take up smoking weed


One of those ayahuasca retreats should alleviate any notion of crisis


Now you’re talking, have you done it? I’d love to give it a bash but would worry I’d freak out, apparently you can do it down around west cork

West Cork? I was thinking of Amsterdam, but West Cork seems more sensible

:grinning::grinning::slight_smile: 5

There’s a vacancy for an alpha male now that Graham dwyers out of the game.

Carla4Garda is down west cork way too.

You could also go to the red light district in Tokyo

Forget the language unless it’s something you are really interested in ffs … do something you are passionate about… Learn Spanish so you can throw out a few phrases on the Costa where the locals will all reply n English to you :rofl: - mup ta fuck. Dont be listening to that idiot @Horsebox - he’s a harmless auld cunt.

Lock yourself into a course of some sort - crafts, musical, academic - whatevs.

If you’re going to learn a language, do a niche one like Mongolian or Choctaw or Irish. Every Tom, Dick and Enrique has a bit of Spanish.

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American could be a good one going forward and Juhy is the right man to translate idiocy into English

Jive is a very useful language.


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You know what you’ll do? You’ll put your head down and get on with it. You’ll come to accept that you’ll have good days and bad days, and you’ll enjoy the good ones, and tolerate the bad. Your kids get you through a midlife crisis, nothing else.
A motorbike is a good laugh though.


You’re married with kids. Self employed and have just moved into a new house.

You don’t have time for a mid life crisis.

I’ve got plenty of time over the next few months. And I’ll need to keep myself well occupied because I’m moving in with my inlaws while we wait for our gaff to be ready. Builders said April/May but there’s no way it’ll be ready.

You’ve a wife and kids, own business… What’s the point in doing anything if you can’t sit still and enjoy that instead of worrying about the next target ?


I am enjoying it. It’s a sunny day. I’m picking up the little fella to hit the beach at 12 and I’ve a shitload of holidays and ‘office work’ coming up in the next 5 months. I also have to move gaff over the next ten days. It’s a more general malaise regarding purpose. And a bit of guilt maybe that I’ll be having it so handy. A bit wanky but there you have it.