Mineral Water

I don’t drink my own (or anyone else’s) urine you sick fuck

You’re protesting awful strongly :eek:

You did. I’m just clarifying.

I’d always go for the middle of the road option. You couldn’t be trusting cheap water. At the same time, it’s just water like.

Have a look at the sodium content. Cheap water usually has massive amounts of salt. You’re effectively rotting your insides by drinking it.

Fizzy water is the way of the future.

Tap …all the way!

Celtic Pure is stuff they sell on the train for €2.20 for a 500ml bottle.

Volvic is the best water on the market, with an honourable mention to Evian.

If you’re not drinking water from a Reverse Osmosis system you might as well be drinking liquid uranium.


I used to be ardently against the stuff, to the point of threatening a mate (cc @PhattPike) but I’m a fizzy water convert. That San Pellegrino stuff is so refreshing.

Great to get the morning shit out too


Buying water is for mugs


What kind of money are you talking for that mate?

Presumably only applies when you have your own well…

I’m a fizzy water addict

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Not at all, you’d want it for mains water around Ireland. Google Aquaphor Morion. You’d get it installed for 4-5 hundred quid. Only for drinking of course, you can still wash your balls with the other stuff.


Only stuff for me boys…



thanks for dropping by Dav.

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No problem .

There’s no such thing as too much fizzy water.

Incredible scenes. We have come along way since that hike up Errigal.

As it turns out, I’m all about flat water now. Nothing bates flooring a bottle or a pint glass of the stuff when you are gasping. You’d never get away with that with fizzy water. I still do like a glass of sparkly water on occasion though, with a slice of lime or cucumber to really jizz it up.