Missing members

That runt fella knew fuck all

He gave @Mac an awful clamping one time regarding US immigration rules iirc.

This football team need to make the breakthrough in the next one or two years, where as hurling in the county requires open heart surgery from the U/10 to Senior, an operation that has only begun in the past two years and will take another 5 or 6 before we start to see any real fruit



East stand

being able to see the bigger picture is one of life’s greatest skills…

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Guilty as charged

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Anyone hear from @TheBird lately? He was well stuck into the ukraine war before going missing

Have you not heard the word?

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family guy cartoons comics GIF

Any word on the status of young @Copper_pipe lately.
This would have been his ‘busy period’.


He left the laptop open and his mam saw the degenerates he was wasting his days with so she leathered his backside.

Reported sighting at the Castlemahon-Fossa game giving boosts over the astro wall at a fiver a go

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We’re hopeful he picked up that new job and has been portraying a new more positive work ethic.

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On a sabbatical.

The Broadford mob have slept with him and the fishes.

sign in @Cheasty

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I think @flattythehurdler has confirmed elsewhere that Cheasty is getting the help he needs so won’t have access to here for a while.


good news

looking forward to his return & him destroying the Ayn rand libertarian fan boys


A lovely catch up with @Flano in Harvey Norman this afternoon. Warm regards to all from the great man.


Typical united Cunt would only show up when they’re winning :joy: