Missing members

Feds finally caught up with him :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

One of the greatest posters the internet has seen.

I think you’re just hostile towards anyone objective, intelligent and who doesn’t think in simplistic slogans?

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MAGA - he loved that slogan

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Any sign of @Lazarus?

I think he died of embarrassment

Nasty stuff of a late Tuesday

Is it your people’s sabbath or something?

He shall be raised from the dead…



Uncomfortable scenes at the yacht club tonight

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Bridgy has been absent since the 117th minute.

I was at a gig on Thursday night. The support band were Tra Phaidin who were from Galway. They struck me as the kind of oinseachs who would hang around in @Lazarus gaff.


Is @KinvarasPassion gone or on an annual sabbatical?

Pampers is missing as well

he’s on a digital detox

Spring is in the air……

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He’s having his nasal passages flushed out.

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What happened @Lazarus ?

He’ll rise from the dead yet.

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