Unpopular opinions or views you hold

You never know, nine years from now I’ll change my mind that your not a bit of a coward


Peter Canavan was a grand corner forward but far from elite


Cantwell is the worst presenter they have.Evanne NĂ­ Chuilinn or the Hurley wan are miles better.

You’re in the right thread with that one. I think Canavan was the GOAT though Clifford may surpass him. Canavan consistently did it against the top teams when it mattered unlike some of them other Kerry show ponies you do be coming in your pants over


The one armed waiter not one bit happy, are we besties now @Lazarus :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Pay no heed ,there’s been drink taken .

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Woah, no need for the aggression. Do you think about me coming a lot? Is this recent?

Sleep it off .

Maurice Fitzgerald is the GOAT

Incredible skill and style but the most overrated footballer of all time. Played well in two or three big games at most and was a sub when he should have been in his prime in 2000.

Be interesting to see how this develops. Mortified

He refused to be dogged by Paudi’s new trainer who thought he should be a gym monkey.Imagine pulling a trailer with a rolls royce


The lack of underage club game time hindered his development

Their home pitch was also missing the corner where he should have been playing

Pure marsh

Must be missing two corners so?

A burger from a good chipper is nicer that those 6 inch tall burgers you get in self styled burger joints - you can’t ate the bloody thing


He coulda been anything really. Meath killing him didn’t help either

Ya and fucking pubs serving grub on a chopping board? What’s that all about? Such nonsense.

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