Missing members

There was only ever going to be one winner, and this would undoubtedly be shown in the minutes


Anyone seen HBV?

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:joy: He went off on one at the host last night. Ar a dheis de go raibh a e-anam.

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What Thread?

Can’t remember tbh.

I think it’s fair to say that it wasn’t as nuanced as some of his recent contributions on the whiskey thread

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That would be fair to say.
One may have led to the other.

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The hosts, whilst mild mannered and reasonable on the face of it, are well versed in the act of ‘disappearing’ rogue members. The grand canal militia


He was e-capped


Ah lovely

The buffalo thread

The ‘bye son’ thread



I wonder what @Brimmer_Bradley would make if the events of the oast week.
I’m an innocent sort of cratur, if he’s still here in another obvious guise let me know.

aka @anon61878697

It’s a sad state of affairs when the fake you is more interesting than the real you

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The 21st century is so fake that being unfake is not being true. That red card on Sunday was the last straw for humanity

I watched it on the wireless. Some lad by the name of brennan said that ‘real hurling folk’ sitting around him 'didn’t want to see players sent off for that sort of thing". It sounded to me that he thought it was a sending off, but wasn’t prepared to like or admit the that it was, especially since someone else wasn’t sent off earlier, consistency being important etc.
I dipped.in and out. But I suspect the brennan lad was from Kilrenny, or Kilkeel… or somewhere similar sounding.
Tipperary won though, I’m confident of that.

& @anon61956325 & @Liqourice_Pipes & countless others.

You loser.