Missing members

Come back @glenshane, I hope you’re well. It’s a tribute to how boring Glenshane was that nobody noticed he hadn’t posted in over 3 weeks until today, even though he was a prolific poster.


Glen Shane and tank are the same posters

Excuse me but how would a poster here one day know what’s what…


Any dessert name I don’t trust . He should receive a longer ban for trying not to serve his other one

Behave yourself this time and @rocko and @bandage might let you hang around mate


We have the evidence we know its him , swift action needs to be taking here . What was said this morning is not on . He jeopardised the whole site .

What did he say?

Granted, you’re the expert on multiple aliases, but they’re not.

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Has Ruth Dudley Edwards had an article published in the last three weeks?

If not, then it really will be time to be getting worried about the well being of @glenshane

Where’s Brimmer?

He’d a meltdown after limerick won the all Ireland. He came back and told everyone he wouldn’t celebrate a back door all Ireland. Amusingly tipp went off and won a back door all Ireland and I guess he decided to stay away.

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A top top poster. The place is a poorer place in his absence.

He will be back though

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Did you not see the Mr Moonlight case?

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You pig ignorant fuckwit of an accountant


Hello friend!

How the fuck are you? What’s happening in the land of Farah slacks these days?

It’s in my mind to buy a couple of pairs of Meyer slacks this side of Christmas.

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I’m only familiar with tried and trusted brands like Farah. How’s the moderationing going in the meantime?

It’s fairly slack.