Missing members

Also anyone explain why Jamie Redknapp is showing beside my name!!! WTF :slight_smile:

Conscious of a new generation here…Avatar will switch over from time to time!!! :slight_smile:

I currently have the sock with the snooker ball in mate.

Haha thats cool I’ll be here waiting… :slight_smile: No problem…

@anon67715551 is the gaffer round here.
@tassoti appears to be deceased.

Attn @Kylie_fan - @tazdedub has the monopoly on using smiley faces in his posts so you can cease and desist now

haha, youre @balbec s bitch

I’m the daddy

This from the lad who carries around a set of white vestments with him just in case @davidtrimble ever logs in again.

Finally a female member…

Tassotti will not be back. I killed him

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The sword has swung.

@Fitzy is next.

I was talking to @Tassotti yesterday you gobshite.


Suspect number 1 in his disappearance

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He has plans for you pal.

A deeply sinister post

Where’s Fanta Pants these days @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy?

@padjo knows him offline

is he ok @padjo

Cá bhfuil @dodgy_keeper?