Missing members

Where’s @Matty_Hislop these days?

@Brimmer_Bradley in lockdown with his family would have the makings of a good opera.


This is an irresponsible time for members to go missing

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I wonder how Mac Roaster is getting on?

He must be cracking up without sport

Just back from a walk within 2k of my house doesn’t make for much reading

What’s the story with @dodgy_keeper?

He was dropped from the team and threw a hissy fit. And has now taken himself off the panel.

Typical sing when you’re winning Man Utd. supporter, nowhere to be seen when the shit hits the fan. His only saving grace is his hatred of rugby, particularly Munster rugby

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Thats very unfair. He is an excellent contributor.

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No it isn’t. While hes a decent sort he is exactly as Fran describes above. That said I like the cratur



Lost his shirt betting on the 2 in a row at Cheltenham

Is @Thomas_Brady alright lads? He was omnipresent for the last few weeks but I haven’t seen him in a couple of days. He’s a good guy really.

Started a thread here the other day. First appearance in years alright.

He must be taking that dog for a long walk.

He may have had a heart attack doing a beep test.


Riddled with covid

I think he’s suspended

For what?