Missing members

I am the light.

I’m baaaaaaack

Hi @Ambrose_McNulty


Can you change your profile pic to the following

I’m always in control kid. I’m just not dead inside like you.

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Like the time you packed the family into the car and headed for Kerry, before heading home again. In control :joy:


One poster leaves and another one comes back. It’s a revolving door forum.

Give that like back you auld cunt.

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Do you take notes. That was months ago.


Welcome back pal. I look forward to our future encounters and hope all is well with you in reality.

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Welcome back mate. You’re one of the good guys.

That said, just calm down. It’s only the INTERNET. It’s not important

Making the most of it kid.

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What’s going on here? How do we know it’s really you?

You gave me abuse about the pattern of my tiles


Great to see you back. I haven’t slept a wink for fretting about that fake ubiquitous wood knot.

Welcome back mate, you’ll be glad to hear we sent the virus packing in your absence.

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The virus never stood a chance without Uncle Esteban in it’s corner

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It was like the Limerick full back line in added on time in 2018. Shat itself.

Some lads fought the fight online, some cowered in terror in the real world.

Maybe @anon7035031, @Rocko and @Bandage fought to the death?