Missing members

I’m not sure I just have a feeling he might be.

Madness if he his, He’s a harmless fool.

@Thomas_Brady got an awful chasing last weekso has stayed logged in as @anon60384913

Did the antibiotics work @Tank ?

@Thomas_Brady has been logged, phew! I’ll volunteer to lead a search party around the other side of the Rochestown Road

I’m alive and well thanks



What happened esteban has he fled to mount brandon again?

Got rattled by grip gate and exited stage left

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Esteban was a great poster, badly missed on here.
Was he hasty or is he better off?

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He was a grand lad but seemed to take things to heart


He is a grand sort but is very impulsive . His takes this place not only seriously but also literally.

FWIW I think he will be back and in all probability is peeking in here

He was a Very sound fella but a bit Hysterical at times. It was amusing how much tassotti drove him around the bend.

Any word on @Matty_Hislop ? I hope he’s ok.

We’re better off.

Leave him alone ye cunts. He’s gone, and good luck to him.

Maybe he has finally found some zen

Like many on here who I’ve set such a glowing example for

Self praise is the opposite of zen I thought?

Once we hit 200 cases, he saw the writing was on the wall. The trajectory has him now.