Missing members


Could be @Tank , he had an unhealthy obsession with Labane.


I took one look at the account name (“Not A Racist”). I’d say the odds are more like Sid @ 1/1000.

I’m actually a little surprised that Sid can still see what’s going on here. Can you load up the site with a VPN and see the threads? I thought that had been cancelled? I’m also slightly, slightly surprised that Sid’s obsession with Labane has just grown the past few months that he’s been banned (slightly). Labane getting banned must be killing Sid.

Hi Sid.

The site is open to the public mate. It’s not like Rocko blocked Sid’s multiple IP addresses.

:flushed: a veritable who’s who of TFK.


FFS. I barely give two fucks about posting here… Not to mind that cesspit…

Nothing to see here

Have I missed something here?

Sorry mate :+1:

Sorry, I didn’t follow the flow of chat here… I see where you’re coming from now… Sorry @flattythehurdler, I thought you were saying I was behind the account.

What dirty bastard is up to no good?

There’s more than a few rats on here who have run off to twitter on occasion. I’d be looking in that direction.


Lads getting onto employers and the likes

Some lads take this place much too seriously. Getting all offended when their internet persona is slighted. Shake it off and move on tafook.

I’m gonna ring the guards on them.

Fuck the guards, ring the provos. Sort em out. Sort em out right good.

Nobody knows why @anon7035031 was banned. The same goes for @HBV. The only poster that we know for certain why they were banned is @Sidney. He was banned because he’s an out-and-out cunt.


The labane thing is a mystery. The absence of a concrete statement on the matter has led to many conspiracy theories on the matter being formed. The clandestine nature of TFK highlighted once more

Maybe he just left