Missing members

Nobody “just leaves” tfk


Banned for a month. Be back on 18th July.

Kev did. And it ended lads lives.

Has he been banned?

I wouldn’t be surprised to see some of the more delicate posters leave now that they have no one to vilify. Some could barely manage the time difference between West coast pacific time and GMT. They would plan their days around typing up some diatribe to greet Labane once he’d wake in the morning.

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:joy: I was talking about the mouse on the computer in the photo ,:grimacing:


Kev needs to push away from the table

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :nerd_face:

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@gola is in charge of bannings. I’m sure he’ll let us know in good time if he has wielded the axe again.


In @gola we trust

There’s no reason to doubt @gola’s actions here

If I’m right about who I think is behind this, he has form for flying halfway around the world on a deranged mission. Should @anon7035031 be worried for his safety?

The guards may need to get involved here.

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Guards have been into this for ages. Place is full of rats.

Someone just mentioned Dry July in a meeting there and it made me realise that @Fitzy hasn’t posted in a month now. Hope all is ok @Fitzy if you’re lurking.


Snap. I was just about to post that. He’s probably keeping an eye on us from quarantine. :wink:

What ever happened to @ProjectX? He had one of the best lookalikes of all time (👯‍♀️ Lookalikes Thread). I haven’t a bulls notion what’s going on on the DAX since he left.

@Directoroffootball was another lad that disappeared off the face of the earth. He used to wind @Fitzy up something awful.

What do you think and what would you change now @Tank

Same question to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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By God :open_mouth:

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