Missing members

I know. He can explain

Eh @Fitzy and I are tight. You need to grow up a little mac

He got a sports jacket and is now irresistible to women of a certain age, more power to him.

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@Rocko I notice a user showing as "deleted " on a few of my liked posts today. Who was that?

Must have been one of your aliases


Noticed this too, a couple of likes on posts but only one user showing up.

Poster on your ignore list I think

I do have a poster on my ignore list

No, that’s not it, there’s only one poster on my ignore list and I have the same problem,
The ignore function is a bigger than …, whatever a big cod is,

Who is the mystery deleted user @Rocko

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A possible way of working this out would be to get another user/someone with another login to check who has “liked” the post.

And compare the findings :thinking:

Does that prick treaty still have me on ignore :rage:

The use of the ignore button continues to be a show of weakness

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Is @Fitzy dead?

He’s here but everyone has him on ignore.

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I’ve been keeping an eye out for him.

@balloobasluvsbeer is back! :open_mouth: :clap:


What the fuck?!

I’ve just gotten a PM that @Tassotti has been arrested by NPHET.

Assessed, not arrested

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