Missing members

I’m on holidays this weekend, I might give you my thoughts in a few days. But my theory is that Sidney is a cunt.

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Still no word from @Fitzy

@Dubhub seems to have given up the battle as well. He ran into heavy artillery on occasion tbf.


@TheBlackSpot is another one…maybe your joke will encourage them to post again

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The gardening thread is gone to hell without him sure.

Will someone check in on @Fagan_ODowd. He mentioned that he was in a hospital there, ‘transitioning’ is a footery business

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Haven’t you briars or rushes to be bothering you?. No fear of you being on the as latháir list.

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That is uncalled for.

It takes a lot more than briars and rushes to bother me. Dockens now, that’s a different story

The dub wasn’t able for this place.Im sure he’s gone to boards or Hogan stand

odysseus like, I found my way back here, only to wonder why I ever came here in the first place. I’ve been lurking since But, thank you @glenshane for remembering I was once here.

Fuck the rest of you cunts.


Welcome back pal, we need the odd orangeman to balance nordie opinion out around here.



What we need are more good nordies to fuck with the free state cunts on here


@fitzy not seen on here since June 3rd. You’d miss him antagonising the fuck out of @myboyblue

Up the effin rebels

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Were them Limerick cunts not losers in the finish?

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They were losers before they even started

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Where’s that @iron_mike reprobate. He should be here - its not as if he has any friends

:joy: Really? has @iron_mike gone? Health? Hope not. One of the good guys.


No. He’s been appointed dilf. He’s got bigger fish to fry.
