Missing members

You’d have to feel the sun is slowly setting on TFK.

One paid troll is seeing to it.


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You’d have to admire flattys restraint, it’s tough to stay away

Which is funny, because he’s made to play the part of quasimodo

I can’t think of anything they might have in common.

It ain’t that hard if you don’t want to be here.

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The temptation is there though to have a peek, in a moment of boredom like.
But it’s not good for you, I’d respect any lad who walks away to use their time more productively


No Mikeys still alive and well kid. I’m having to do a bit of work for a change this time of the year.


Fucksake mike. I told you before, the Christmas period starts after halloween. You’re giving yourself an extra 8 weeks work here pal

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What happened @flattythehurdler? He was/is one of the alright sorts on here.


He may not thank me for this interpretation but as I saw it,
A girl who was granted asylum in Ireland won a beauty pageant, maybe Miss Ireland, flatty seemed to believe that her request for asylum wasn’t genuine, a couple of others pulled him up on it, there was a bit of back and forth and then he put out a ‘fuck this’ post,
Hasn’t been seen since

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I never had flatty down as a racist. Now that you mention it though, the signs were there. Didn’t he buy a site in Oughterard?


Leave Flatty alone


I made no comment, I believe my version of events is truthful, the suggestion of racism levelled at him at the time was evident
I did think he jumped the gun relating to the girl at the time, but I don’t recall her circumstances.
I don’t believe he’s racist

Flatty will be back when Galway retain their All-Ireland next March, after beating Limerick in the league again.

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@flattythehurdler is NOT A RACIST

Au contraire Art. I’ll be done and dusted by end of November

@Matty_Hislop is a truly missed poster.

Come home bro.

Fanta pants?