Missing members

He’s a steamer.

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He was our steamer.

Ah come on… Do you really think that one set of posts was the reason? The man had had enough, that was just the door to exit. I WhatsApp’ed him the other day, all is good.


There’s a strange element here that likes to cut the back off a lad who leaves the place. Let him go and wish him the best.

Also to insinuate a decent skin like Flatty is a racist without him here to defend himself is pretty fucking low.


He was knackered after spending the last four years trying to wum the Limerick contingent here. The Nadia Comaneci performance in the AIF finally retired him.


I’m delighted to hear it, good luck to him.
Now it turns out that I’m the one calling him a racist :man_shrugging:
Let it be said that I never said anything of the sort, but there’s a poster here who will never miss an opportunity to have a cut off me,

and pass on my best regards.

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He did his own thing always. It was to be respected. A good sort.

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Never a doubt about that. A heart of gold. Btw I’ve taken your recommendation on that Kate movie and will be settling into tonight

Boss Level would edge it for me. Both are Mindless action though, and good action to boot.

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Flatty is one of the most decent sorts that was on here and has gone out of his way to assist a number of posters offline.

A couple of posters then took his words in the least positive way, a marked difference to how flatty treated others.


He’d hardly go in to exile over that! His tales of refereeing on the mainland will be missed.

Flatty is one of the good guys. The endless rejection of spots and the manner of these rejections have forced him into exile. He had his heart set on winning the Spot of the Year and the refusal by Fagan to give Doodle Magoogle or whatever the MUFC starlets name was proved to be the final straw.


Maybe @flattythehurdler has just made a bit of a faux pas on the school parents WhatsApp group again and had his phone confiscated.

He’s had a flaking spot since. I’m sure he’ll be back to log it before it goes cold.

This place hasn’t been the same since @Flano left

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Wait until flatty hears that @backinatracksuit is claiming to have ran him off the forum.


Has anyone any update of the trials and tribulations of @Thrawneen .
He’s had a rollercoaster time of it these past few years. He was an alright sort in fairness.


Flatty is alive and well. He sent me a WhatsApp on Monday out of the blue. He’s watching away here. As @anon67715551 says, one of the good guys here.


He has the right idea… This place is gone now until hurling returns. I’ll see you all for the league next spring.


We’d never be so lucky

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