Missing members

No worries. Might be my mistake, hence the simple mannerly questions regarding if I was banned from the thread and if so why.
So I don’t deserve an answer, for whatever reason? Just some smug lame oul shite which may or may not make you an ill mannered tramp.
If I am banned from the thread perhaps you and @Rocko should either say why or at least be man enough to ban me from the forum.


I’m just asking a simple question. I wouldn’t expect you to do any less, it’s very handy to indulge in virtue signalling etc. I’ll not do it at your expense, in the interests of how much room there is in my soul etc

Closing time now gentlemen please. Tonights work is done
We’ll check the cameras and sort it all out in the morning first thing

Man on internet upset at other men on internet for (ALLEGEDLY) closing a forum thread on him.

As my old boss said to me when I was starting out “If you don’t like it here, fuck off”.

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What thread are you banned from? I’ll see if it exists. The only thing I can’t get access to is the Limerick Hurling Private Members thread. They don’t trust me as an outsider.

There’s no point trying to extract anything sensible from him mate.

@Rocko has moments of lucidity, but this fella no. It’s basically good cop bad cop and @bandage things he’s both but is actually neither.

That damaged a lot of fellas credibility in fairness

TFK’s loss is Clarehurlers gain


Bin Zayed al Nayhan

The lads bitching about more free speech simultaneously bitching about needing more moderation.

Words hurt

Your old boss was your old boss, I don’t see what your former employment has to do with it .
And I do like it here, I just find the insinuation of racism strange, and I asked what was behind it…and if I was right or wrong etc.
Twould be easy for posters to accuse you of being in favour of violence against women and children, I’m sure you’d take exception, but at least they could use your posts to make the argument.

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You’ll give yourself an aneurysm taking the internet this seriously.

He’s very earnest about the whole thing.

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quite twee

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Sounds like one of @Brimmer_Bradley’s escapades.

Ffs, you could beat someone senseless on the street and you wouldn’t get 6 months


Sounds like something my next-door neighbour would do.

So fucking stupid. He should have put down cottage cheese behind the filing cabinets or something. The rats would move in after 2 weeks and he’d get away with it.

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Six months for a stupid prank which a judge calls “uniquely wicked”.

Three months for this apparently lesser crime.

Some country.