Missing members

How’s @Portumna_Bridge these days anyone? Hope he’s alright.

…. + 1

RIP @Fitzy

How is @Sad lads?

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Not so sad now. Sometimes sad, when I think about it. More resigned now to my situation. It isn’t a terrible situation, things could be a lot worse. Thanks to everyone who posted and DMd me back in June. I genuinely appreciate it. Unfortunately I didn’t take any advice. Unless someone advised me to do absolutely nothing, in which case I’ve followed that advice to the letter.

The kids are fantastic. My job is going well. Unless I miss out on promotion again, in which case it will not be going well. Situation with the mother of my children is unchanged. She occasionally forgets that she doesn’t really like me and we have a nice conversation. But I don’t forget, and I won’t forget. It is what it is.


He’s fine, posting away and doing his best. I actually sort of warmed to him a little. I suspect his usual superior air is just a way of presenting a brave defiant face to the world.

@myboyblue not been around for a few days

It’s strange and eerie.


@HBV is a huge loss to the forum.

Omycron is a heure.

Cleaning out the office at joe.ie


He’s using his @EstebanSexface login for a few days. Keeping up the post count anyway.

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Are you feeling lonely pal? I’m always here for a chat

I knew there was something fresh and right about this place these last few days…


Which one is @myboyblue? Is that the chap that babbles on inanely on just about every thread about Laois?

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Nah! I’m tipping along, besieged by this Christmas malarkey (Oops, slip of the tongue). She’s pulling names out of the air and wondering what she’ll (Me) will get them for Christmas. I’ve a pain in my arse deciding what I’ll do without leaving the armchair. The whole thing is a fecking cod if you ask me.

I’ll be sure to seek the forum’s wisdom if the effort proves beyond me.


I feel your pain!

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I expected a digging for that carry on and I regret none of it after what he said pal. Have a good Christmas anyway, It’s a wonderful time of the year

MBB was hospitalised after contracting covid. Years of smoking.