Missing members

I heard it was AIDS but you could be right also

@glenshane has also been hospitalised by the dreaded 'rona. The forum are dropping like flies.

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I’d laugh if he forgot his login :joy: can you imagine how thick he would be

I’d say his trampoline blew away in the wind.

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I thought all the talk of mobilising Kildare as a hurling superpower on the All Stars thread might draw him out, but no sign. :thinking:

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MBB has been using his @Malarkey alias for the last few days


The storm knocked the electricity out of the basement.

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Maybe he went down the stairs of the basement and the wind blew it closed behind him


He has to go

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The place isn’t the same without looking over your shoulders every two seconds waiting for the knife

He was never the same poster after @backinatracksuit laid him out … he lost his edge thereafter …

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as he’d say himself. Let him off, lads

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I’m actually genuinely worried about him at this stage. I know a lot of us have taken sabbaticals at some stage or another but I never thought he’d be one

The internet is a nawful place


Ah he’s still tweeting away …


Working on the podcast I say

He’s had breaks before, don’t be worrying yourself

I’d say @Corksfinedtboy had him topped.

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Has @ironmoth finally been banned?

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