Missing members

Hes still here. He’s only posting two hundred times daily instead of the usual two thousand so you might have missed him.

@Corksfinedtboy sign in please…



A storm is coming…

Hope all is well @Portumna_Bridge.

Sign in. :slightly_smiling_face:




I’m sorry to see that @TheBlackSpot has left the forum. He was one of my greatest admirers and I’m grateful for the pleasure and learning he gleaned from reading and rereading my posts.

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Liked him genuine no nonsense Ulster man- hope he’s only taking a break

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This is not a friendly place for northern posters…

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Check in


Why do you think that?

Because there’s a lot of FFG stooges posting here who are vehemently partitionist. I’ve also seen how they’ve treated you during covid

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I’m shocked…I was completely oblivious tbh. I naturally assumed that I was universally liked and admired.
This is a lot to process.


Back under the table with ya

There’s also some old fashioned begrudgery over your sporting achievements

I agree for whatever reason I just don’t know


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What’s this now……Sporting achievements??

Please. I hate to hear them mentioned

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Maor uisce