Missing members

Setting your mate up like that, you should have nahim to say.

Is it because you’re as confused as I am?

More than likely

Disappointed in you mate. That @iron_mike cunt set @glenshane up with a fake brasser call and doxxed him.

@glenshane hasn’t beeen seen since. @tank attended his funeral.

#2606 above

Are ye happy to leave an old wooden cross hanging over @glenshane or should we try and get a proper TFK sponsored headstone?

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A tinfoil one would be appropriate.


I’m actually starting to worry about @myboyblue now.

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I’d say the phone was taken off him when he left Joe.

He’ll be back once he gets a new one for Christmas.


Do lads really think @myboyblue was Wollie?

No, he was his fluffer.

Fluffy, if you will.


He’ll be back at 12.01am on New Years Day to nominate John Creedon and John Doyle for COTY.


Point taken, but hadn’t he mellowed somewhat on Johnny Doyle……
Doyle possibly towed him out of a ditch near Ballyfin wan night and toddled along.

Any sign of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy? Maybe another Italian Ulsterman will join us in the New Year.

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He needs time to reflect

It’s usually this time of the year he finds the new potential love of his life. He’ll be back on here telling us how he met some young wan on new years eve and how a whirlwind romance took place. Then he found out she only had a provisional fork lift licence so he has to go back and reassess his options. Bookmark this post. I won’t be far off


Even by his low standards it was a particularly poor effort from him this year.

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I miss @Matty_Hislop

He was a great man for the darts

He is busy trying to right the ship at Real Madrid



He was a gimp.