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Fulvio’s threat to resign over what ever he was going on about? Fairly sure no one cares about whatever he thought his grievance was. As entertaining as he was at times it’s great to get a break from him really the way he was gone.

Same as a few more, hbv, labane, etc. Good luck and good riddance. If we could get rid of a few more of the small angry man conspiracy theorist just asking questions crowd we’d be going great guns altogether.

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Wasn’t making any comment on that

@maroonandwhite @padjo @Steven_Naimsith

You say this a lot. I think most lads take posts on their merit mostly. You have a bit of a martyr complex and feel like people are regularly out to get you. It’s noticable, and I’d say, untrue.


I’d say I have a lot more ‘enemies’ here than most, It wouldn’t take much to figure that out,
I don’t care though, I’ve reconciled myself to that long ago
I don’t court popularity

Also I don’t actually say it a lot really, do I?

i doubt you have any enemies on here at all BIAT. being an enemy takes energy and resources and im sure that most lads will just have it pegged as just another contrarian post from you for the sake of it.

the lads here dont hate you, they nothing you

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He gets quite a lot of stick for being reasonable and for challenging contrarian views. That small man fooly is straight in with a dig says plenty.

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It’d be interesting to see the posts you have made in reply to me? Is that possible to do at all
It’d be interesting

well youre not in my top 5 most replied to

@Rocko can we get a summary of times ive replied to BIAT and vice versa. thanks in advance

You do say it a lot or variations of it. Basically making a point then saying ‘aw theyll all come and attack me now, etc…’ Enemies? Really? I just dont see it. I do see that you feel it though. I think you might just miss the amount of general abuse that gets slung around at other people too and feel like people are out to get you. Anyway. Thats my opinion.


You’ve got issues with fooley mate. It’s beyond bizarre. I dont remember him having regular digs at trackie. You are constantly on him however, and he you.
I presume it started as a competitive civil service thing.

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Honestly, I don’t care, seriously.
But if you don’t see it what can I say?
I bring it on myself, I don’t have much in common with many here,
Most of it would pass you by I suppose,

I only correct him on his regular misogyny and racism, I don’t see what’s bizarre about that. Apart from general backwards views I think he’s sound.


There was one a while ago where @Fagan_ODowd made a comment you felt wouldnt have been made at anyone else. I’d think it definitely would have. Anyway, like i said, i dont really see it, and I’d consider myself fairly neutral in terms of my posting. With one or two exceptions…

Everywhere should be a safe space for glas etc

Methink the lady doth protest too much.

He’s gone underground in the lead up to the Cork game. Too much at stake.

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