Missing members

The greatest cry for a safe space seen on here. You are so unable to debate you literally want a forum where everyone just agrees with your childlike views. Ah bedwetter, you’ve never changed.


Hi mate

These lefty loonies are all about silencing people they don’t agree with.

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BIAT and Glas get plenty of abuse here. Surprised you don’t see that.

They pretend to want debate. They really want an echo chamber of sycophants. Logic gets the brain-dead left every time though.

“Logic”. :grinning:

@glasagusban didn’t mention anyone in his post but a few lads got highly offended. I wonder why?

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Are you taking the right wing persona now?


Everybody gets plenty abuse on here including yourself more than most. @backinatracksuit seems to think anytime someone disagrees with him that its just because its him

Jayses lads ye’d start a row with a mirror a few of ye would


That’s not true at all.
I’ll speak frankly. There’s a large element of what I’d call slagging that goes on here, that’s cool, it makes the place worthwhile, we wouldn’t get on all the time but it’s give and take intersperced with normal posts about other things where we would interact like adults, that’s how it is with most of the posters here.

There’s more than a few posters here who never ever have anything to say to me that isn’t negative or belittling, they know who they are, I know who they are
If you haven’t noticed it, I assume you haven’t, then it’s because it doesn’t affect you, you see it and assume it’s a once off or a joke.
Look, I don’t mind, I wouldn’t still post here if it bothered me, but it happens.
I completely understand that many people disagree with me on many many topics.


No we wouldn’t, you glorified palm oil salesman


I’m persona neutral. I don’t identify as either wing.

Such a melodrama. And on the missing members thread…the ironing. The sort of lad who’d like to preach a sermon at his own funeral.


I was being tagged and ridiculed daily by the anti vaxx freaks when Covid was still a thing. Don’t take it so personally


Like awarded for wonderful turn of phrase at the death.

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Mad isn’t it?

I don’t think you’re getting it, this has nothing to do with my opinion on anything in particular, it’s just not banter or good natured or anything like that, just constant negativity and belittling comments.
It is personal obviously but it’s water off a ducks back, I only mentioned it in response to @Juhniallio earler when I (regrettably now) mentioned a possible ‘pile on’ a turn of phrase I used tongue in cheek because of recent events on TFK where somebody else used it :man_shrugging:

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I think you just notice it more because its you. The same posters going after you go after loads of posters on here

We could do with being rid of another couple of posters.