Missing members

I think they broke up

Where’s the dancing baby at? A gas man at times

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The game of 45 would have been something else

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No tapping of the deck for starters you’d imagine. Old school

Hope he will be back soon @farmerinthecity.

Are the other boyos still arguing away? I keep having to mute threads where it kicks off.

Fulvio ran away

Pity boxty taking a sabbatical. A wise counsel. You open the first 10 posts then of a Monday and all ignored posters. They could learn a lot from boxty less is more


Hopefully he stays away this time.

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Not a chance of that, he’ll be sick of typing into a vacuum of n twitter in no time, arrive back and have a load of smoke blown up his ass by the usual suspects :grinning:

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He got into an awful state this time begging for help twas v odd.

He got himself into an awful twist because a few posters weren’t willing to genuflect at the feet of Gordon Elliot.

I’d love to see one of those line graphs of when Gordon is going well and the dancing baby’s posts.

I suspect a u turn in Gordon’s fortunes will see him back fairly quickly.

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A low bar in fairness

Ah heres the two lads, gas cunts.

@TheUlteriorMotive still not returned? Anyone know his ransom demands to get him back? Place poorer without him

And has the Boxty mystery been solved?

Has @Thomas_Brady finally retired?

TUM was last seen in a scrum of SoCoDu teenagers in cornelscourt trying to make off with the entire shipment of prime.


Boxty is helping out with training the Fenagh senior’s and won’t be back till after the Co Final.


You didn’t see an argumentative limerick poster arrive recently?

statement on behalf of the ratoath inn members group

our valued and esteemed colleagues theultermotive and thomasbrady have been threatened with doxxing and reporting of their tfk interractions to their respective employers.

the Ratoath Inn Members Group deplores this reprensible threat and calls on the admins to remove the poster concerned permanently. the above members will not be returning until this happens.

