Missing members

Don’t forget a Top Red like Boxyeater too.

cc @CraicOfTheAsh

Jaysus. Why would anyone bothered to go changing their username?

Yeah, why @pikeman :wink:


leave him alone @Fran

Go shit in your hat @Paul_Codd_s_No_1_Pot

@thomas_brady is a thing of the past.

You replied on a thread he started last night.

Are you okay man?

Sometimes I wonder


He’s gone the way of poor Boxty.
Never to return…

Ah okay, you could have just said that, and you tagged him too

You’re a gas man

If I’d said that Thomas Brady was a thing of the past ye’d all be rushing to the Celebrity Deaths thread.

Shame. Place is becoming more beige by the day

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I pity his poor dog.
All the abuse he’s going to get…

Limerick have conquered hurling. His work here is done

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Ye’ll need at least one more, to make it five.

The drive for five.
Now where did I hear that before?

I’ve been questioning my own future here I have to say

Today is a good a day as any to say goodbye.