Missing members

He brought something different to the table. You need that.

He is indeed,he’s training his beloved Fenagh for a massive match against Mohill on Saturday night.Has them chopping down sika spruce with axes to bate the band.Old school.


His tales of being left at home by his parents in Cork shitting it while Dessie O’Hare was roaming the moors amused me a lot.



Figure of speech.

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I’d have went with bog myself


Cork had enough lads of their own to be afraid of

That’s the lad, he’s in prison…says he’s never been happier


I say unto you that likewise more joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth, than over ninety and nine just persons who need no repentance.


You literally couldn’t make it up

Great to see a like from an old poster. Was like a breath of fresh air came over the board. Long may it last.

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You’d miss @braz83 around the place.

So what’s the craic with chocolatemice/Thomas Brady these days?

He seems to get himself into a lot of bother having to delete accounts, change usernames etc.

Some wanker kept doxing him

He doxed himself…

to some of us perhaps, but as @glenshane says, some fucker kept taking it outside the board.

Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Coolidge Corner Theatre

Hiding after the mungret juggernaut slayed his NFL squad

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He’s still posting away here under another alias