Missing members

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Same here but I’d be such a loss to the forum…


Wankers taking the place so seriously.

Roll with the punches, swing back and insert the tampons.

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Will you follow him?

I miss me when I’m not around

@ironmoth MIA. you’d miss his insights


@Aristotle is away planning for next weekend.

The Fleadh Ceoil in Mullingar?

What happened the lad who threw his wife over a balcony in Tel Aviv?

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:grinning::grinning::grinning: who the fuck was this?Yer man from Cork @mickee321 ?

Most likely

Who is this and what did he do?

Fuck sake

Anyone know what happened to @mickee321 ? He was a great fella and a very good man for this time of year. Loved the early qualifying rounds in europe.
Also, where’s @boxtyeater? His profile is gone!


Jaysus mate, you only used him for gambling ffs

What? I never gambled on those things. He was just a man with a passion for it and a great knowledge of the balkan/middle east teams. I liked reading his posts.

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@Massey , is boxty still alive?

He enabled you. Let him go

Gas cunt.

Time to heal

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