Missing members

Blake may have passed away.

Marty Hislop was Sandymount Red I think?

He was a grand poster.

Blake was excellent too.

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A sound poster if ever there was one.


I tried to reach Blake through here, through our fantasy app which also has messaging and a work email.

No response from any.
Unlike him to just walk from the fantasy league after he had paid for the year… It’s a keeper league too.

Hope everything is alright for him

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A grand auld sort.

Internet / account issues.

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Wouldn’t pay the sub?

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Was that the fella they called fanta pants or who am I mixing him up with :joy:

Iv no idea why fanta pants was called fanta pants but it always gave me a laugh


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy likely started calling him that.

Did he admit to shitting himself sometime?

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a great man for the insults that are really full of his admiration for the poster. For example, he sometimes calls me a footix cunt.


@Cicero_Dandi ran him

:person_shrugging: (As you’d say yourself!)

Sure that’s a badge of honor around here

Never heard of him

I don’t know.

No, the Tyrone posters started calling him that

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It was Trimble I think

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@The_Dunph shit himself in Paris once iirc.Also lapsed Leitrim man @thedancingbaby I think.

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The TFK Touching Cloth roll of honour is an illustrious ensemble of top top posters.


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