The person must not have been threatening to him as the colleague never mentioned Deely being perturbed generally or talking about the person he met, as far as I know.
Why would they be waiting in the pissing rain in such a random spot though? Surely there are better spots for a deviant.
And how would they have covered their trail? Car nearby…or a house?
Reports said that your man on the CCTV was waiting for Trevor, he spoke to him briefly and then Trevor went into work while your man waited outside.
How do they know he was waiting for Trevor?
If he was waiting for him, what does that say?
Why did Trevor have a drop of tae with his work mate inside and leave this lad who waited for him outside in the pissing rain?
Is the man in the CCTV an up and coming architect from Foxrock?
Agreed. I reckon they had a brief exchange before He went into the office. Small talk about weather or if he had change for a burger or a hostel. Checked his emails and had a cup of tea with his colleague. He probably spent no more than a half an hour there before unwittingly being followed by same guy. He is probably at the bottom of grand canal basin. I would love to find out what happened him. Only for his pro active brother and friends there would be no leads and it would be the ultimate cold case.
He flew to Alaska to meet a girl he met once. Not sure he was even invited but she randomly got a knock on the door and it was Trevor. Anything is possible.
Yeah he was on night shift of some type. Not sure if it was security or if he worked in clearing or data backup or something like that.
Think TD actually went in for an umbrella or a jacket or something as it was pissing rain and the night of a taxi strike. Maybe that’s already been well written though.