Missing People Outside of Ireland

That’s the guy.

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Not sure if anyone heard of the case in Western Australia of a 4 year old girl abducted from a tent when camping with her family. She was taken nearly 3 weeks ago. In what is mostly unlikely, she has been found alive and well.

Rarely get good news stories when kids are gone that long.


Can’t imagine what that girl went through. She’s got a tough road ahead you’d reckon.

Jaysus that’s some surprise. Wasn’t expecting a positive outcome.

You’d hope at 4 that the memory doesn’t retain whatever hardship there may have been. Her family too surely fearing the worst.

Hopefully not too naive but the police statement is so positive that maybe the worst fears haven’t been realised. Obviously it’s great she’s alive but the language used might indicate that she wasn’t harmed (beyond the obvious trauma). Probably overly optimistic in my thinking though.

Yeah very hard to know what’s what as its only breaking news. Seems it was an opportunistic abduction too.

No I think (hope) you are right. A sad story I suspect behind it.

I thought from reading the reports at the time they had a fair idea who took her from the get go.

I wonder if there is a Shannon Matthews element to this case?

Nah. Seems like this was one random chap acting alone.

Ah. I was hoping in a way it was one of those poor misfortune ladies who are a bit deranged and just want a child to mind, so take one. This sounds worse.

Yeah but the abductor must have known the child?

The child was found near her own actual home rather than near the actual campsite? I could have my facts wrong in fairness.

doesnt seem to be the case. Channel 7 have named him as Terrance Kelly, an aboriginal who lives in the house she was found in. They also posted social media photos of “Terrance Kelly” but seems they picked the wrong aboriginal of the same name and since took his photo down. Apparently neighbouring aboriginals had told police days ago that she was there, but the police ignored them.

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It’s the closest town to the site apparently.

yeah the campsite is just north of the town, 75kms or so. which in rural WA is fuck all in the scheme of things.

I didn’t realize the aboriginal slant, but wondered if it wasn’t just a tip off they finally got to in the pile.

Will much be made of that or was it expected police behaviour?

yeah hard to say really. I just saw one video on twitter of a neighbour giving out about how the police ignored the “black fellas” because of who they are. I think the fact that they ended up getting her back safe and sound and its a good outcome will outweigh any other issues that may have happened during the investigation. .


Ok, the glaring question is what was he doing in Iran? Of course that’s not answered.