Missing People Outside of Ireland

He looks like a right shaper but look innocent until proven guilty and all that.

Inspector Frost has arrived. Gets to the nub of it after a brief look in the biscuit tin.

@Smark :joy:

Bizarre that he said it would have changed the nature of their search for her in the water if she fell in pissed versus fell/jumped in sober.

Her partner was not at the original appeal, just her parents. He did an interview. An interview request means they think you did it. Tell them to fuck off. If you didnā€™t do it why do you care what people think. Strange decision.

Apparently the river is waist deep where she fell in, apart from in the middle. If. Sheā€™s in the river she may have been helped. It ainā€™t a suicide attempt, a fall looks increasingly unlikely too.

Some murderbto getnrid of the body entirely without leaving any evidence though.

I havenā€™t read much about this case. Is it proven she was near the river at all?

Her phone was found on a bench beside it I think, along with the dog leash.

This is very strange.

When did you ever hear of a diver breaking ranks criticising the cops in an investigation like this?

Heā€™s a contractor

He sounds like an attention seeking cunt


Donā€™t understand why the cops would release the ladyā€™s personal information like that. Itā€™s none of the publicā€™s business

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Would like to think their public activity is some kind of bait for whoever did it, but reality is it is mainly an attempt at arse covering Iā€™d say.

Alcohol issues reestablished by the menopause.

It doesnā€™t get more personal than that.

Jackie Aprile Junior almost drowned in 2 inches of water. It can happen

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It can, but itā€™s highly unlikely in a strong swimming adult.

But that doesnā€™t necessarily mean she was ever there?

Any supposed movements of her on the morning in question seem a bit vague?

If she was tanked up then maybe.

Could she be on the lash in some squat somewhere.

There was CCTV as well I think, Iā€™ve only been half following it.

The phone and the leash have been mooted as a possible deflection attempt by a killer.