Missing People Outside of Ireland

The twitter experts reckon someone has planted the body there

Iā€™d say it could have been Pfizer or the World Economic Forum wot dunnit. But Iā€™ll have to see what Neil Oliver on GB News says before deciding what to believe.

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He dived right in without making a proper assessment.


Itā€™s the only reasonable explanation.

I entered the search term ā€œNicola Bulley plantedā€ into Twitter and found nobody claiming the body had been planted but I did find a load of people claiming that a load of people were claiming that the body had been planted.

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If you really want to find them, try searching for Bulley and dumped instead.

The carry on of the media during Covid was a godsend for the loons. You canā€™t say today is Sunday without somebody screaming conspiracy.

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Outstanding sleuthing. I guess Iā€™m rubbish at Twitter.

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I found one!

A quick look at Leighanneā€™s account tells me sheā€™s from London and retweets Darren Grimes, Nigel Farage andā€¦Gary Dempsey!

Fair risky carry on if it was planted.

If the intelligent not wet, you must acquit


So a three week high profile police search turns up nothing and then some walkers find the body this morning. Interesting! :thinking:

Certainly strange. I know that its usually 3 to 4 days for a body to resurface after drowning, so 3 weeks seems odd. Other things obviously could have been a factor, caught on rocks or trees, but the decomposition will ultimately easily tell if she was in the water the whole time or not.

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Iā€™d say this fella is very smart.

Jon Faircloth


American Patriot who loves his country, his guns, his whiskey and who really hates stupid people.


Occamā€™s razor. She fell in and drowned. Water level has fallen or body has come to surface. Itā€™s hard find a body in a river - they arenā€™t swimming pools with crisp clean edges and no debris under water.

People are conditioned to look for a twist.


So all the internet slueths were wrong all along and the hapless police appear to have been bang on from the start, that she entered the body of water. Lol at that water diving expert who categorically stated she was not in the river.

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A fake body planted by the police :joy::joy::joy:


Still falling in and drowning there if youā€™re a strong swimmer is highly highly unlikely, itā€™s just less unlikely than other things given what is known.

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