Missing Women in Ireland

Or its motive…

You will have an overtime claim in mate working on the two cases at once :rofl:

Have to do something to keep busy :see_no_evil:

Sell in May and go away

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I’m ahead of my half yearly targets so I need to slow down or I’m only putting myself under pressure next year. :wink: I think they call that a performance disincentive scheme

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Seems a bizarre enough relationship. Doesn’t sound like kids are in the picture and she’s never worked in her life and had fallen out with her family. She had rooms dedicated to her clothes and jewellery and and a tanning bed. Yer man off driving around the country while she was watching MTV and drinking tae

We had conversations of late so I said right she’s gone down to a member of family for a while so I gave her a couple days and I left to visit my doctor on the Friday. I went along with the kind of wishes I thought she would have wanted me to do. I know some people think I should have reported it straight away but I made a judgement call, right or wrong.

I’ve bought her over €40,000 worth of jewellery. It’s a woman’s dream. She had no reason to leave. .

Tina loved pets. She never wanted kids, but I did so I had to make that sacrifice. Our pets were like our kids.

It’s tough when you move somewhere new and you know nobody. Tina is a lot more outgoing that me so she would be out and about .

She’s fucked off with a young lad somewhere.

They do that alot.
They copped it as a tactic after the Soham Murders i think.

I’d say so. Some young lad who can pleasure her in ways that 40 grands worth of jewellery can’t

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Richie got mugged off good and proper there

If the Gardai think he did it, I think it’s safe to say he didn’t.


I genuinely don’t think he did anything Mike apart from trying too hard.
40 k worth of jewellery is excessive in any mans language.
Judging by their/ her lifestyle, I’d say she probably got bored and either fucked off with some young lad or headed off back to England to get away from your man.

Fuck me. Not one to rush to judgement on such things, but as an experienced amateur psychologist, this went down 1 of 2 ways and they both have to do with this chaps insecurity, delusionmen, being fed-upt and jealousy. He gave up kids, showered her with jewelery and i bet she still was not happy.

She either fucked off cos he stopped the gravy train and she will milk some other cunt.


She told him she already had some other cunt and he was not having it after all he did and he killed her.

Either way (i’m leaning towards the latter) he is intrinsically responsible, he just doesn’t see why.

Yip. She milked it and one of the other of them had enough.

Hopefully she just fucked off. In time he will realise what a selfish cunt she was and he may fine contentment elsewhere.

A particularly crowded field on here. Nearly as crowded as the TFK Homicide Investigation Unit.


Therefore by process of elimination, find the posters who have not commented on it and start your investigation there.

Ya but experience counts.

I’m elite.

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Just because you have voices in your head don’t make your experiences pertinent.


Everyone has vouces in their heads. Some people should lusten to them more than others.

You woulfn’t listen to anyone so there isn’t much point in discussing you, there is very little helping you.

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