More GAA Shame

He pled guilty in July. Why was he still a part of the club set up in December?

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Lot more than this guy cleaned out.

The gga community is blaming his ex and the victim


The victim broke his hand a few years ago so was useless to the GGA and local community so they decided to back the perpetrator here.

Big questions have to be asked over that club.

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It’s ok the Ballyhale PR machine say the victim wasn’t ostracised by the club members (even though he says he was). They seem to be the Crossmaglen of the hurling world.


Cleaned the ex too.

What are you geeing on about?

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@Malarkey we agree on some things here and we disagree on others. Healthy debate is good for society.

FWIW, I think you were right to call Shane Brophy to account this morning - there was no need for the tone of his tweet - but I don’t think it was right to call him out over his book (which is a totally different discussion). Just my view on it.

I think this is quite an emotive subject and people shouldn’t be using it to score points from one county over another. It seems, from the outside, similar to the Darren Gleeson case a few years back. It’s clear there are no winners here.

Gambling is a scourge on society. I’ve most of the betting threads muted. I was tempted to fire a few bets on for the Masters this year for my first bet in maybe 15 years and decided at last minute not to.


Assume this is him on the right? He seems chuffed to bits to still be embraced by the local community meanwhile the victim was being shunned. That’s one for the clubhouse wall.

Just quoting some of the messages like yours.

In what world is stealing over €40k from someone not worthy of a 6 month jail sentence?


Why is the newspaper article blaming his ex and not gambling?

Would have won them but for what?

Two different clubs involved so them lads may not have known the victim

Ah, leave the buck eejits to their utter stupidity. They are multiply obsessed, which has its coldly amusing side.

Being unable to process information is the very definition of stupidity.

Nah put him in jail, the thieving fuck.

Will this case set a precedent for any upcoming fraud by a gaa player? This one was someone who took over 40k and used it to gamble, by all accounts, which is inexcusable, but gives some context to the desperate situation the man found himself in with an obvious gambling addiction. The other case which rose to prominence seemed to involve fraud of a far larger scale, which was for nothing else other than greed and living the high life, like another female ex hockey player who fraudulently took money for holidays and cars.

If this case warrants 6 months jail time, the other case surely warrants a serious jail time also. Hopefully.

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We usually agree. Have no problem at all with you making those observations to me.

I take your point about the distinction between what I initially said and the remark about his book. But you would have to look at the sequence of comments. Had the sequence been different, and his reaction to a pretty civil opening comment been different, I probably would not have said anything about the book. But that comment, in factual terms, is certainly correct. An ape trying on his version of simian badinage deserves no better.

Which or whether, his initial tweet was… To think this pretty tragic set of circumstances amounts to ‘one up’ for Tipp seems beyond moronic and vulgar. Had he any real pride in Tipperary GAA, he would not make such a comment. I would have said the exact same to anyone who made cognate mention of a comparable court case in 2017 that involved a North Tipperary native.

As for the morons here who cannot discern the difference between a North Kilkenny parish and a South Kilkenny parish… The Beatles got it wrong.

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There must have been more caught, not just “John”

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I noted from the article than the victim was triggered by seeing an All Ireland club final that I assume was due to the continued participation of the perpetrator.

A few things I noticed about his character. Firstly, blaming his wife (still). Secondly him going out on the session like nothing was happening. Thirdly, he participated in that puff piece quoted above that was written the same month he pled guilty. Finally, he still thought it appropriate to be hanging around a team after pleading guilty- even heading to a public awards ceremony last month.

This speaks to a person who sees themselves as invincible. It has been rumoured here about the real driver here but aside from that it appears that he was pumped up by the GGA community to be something he wasn’t. Very similar to that other story from someone else in his county. A couple of villages turning guys into idols because of their hobby- why on earth would a glorified booth cleaner of a village team deserve the piece quoted above in a “national” newspaper?

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GAAGo app down. Serious bolloxology as the cast functionality is gone from the website. @peddlerscross was right!